Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pulling the writing out or the hair out..

This is the first post or blog I've ever officially done. Unless you count the daily statuses on facebook, and the blog section of myspace. But I don't. :) All this hype about blogging..and I honestly feel a tad clueless about it. So any tips are appreciated, though I'm sure it will come with experience.

All through junior high and high school, I wrote! I wrote as much as I breathed. The thoughts and feelings overwhelmed me. My hand was steady vocalizing them all the only way I knew how. For years a 20 gallon tub sat in my dad's room, full of journals and notebooks. Each full of poetry and tales of depression, love, and loneliness. Most- memories that I would have lost if not otherwise saved. Recently on vacation to see the family, I viewed some of them. Two things were most noticeable. 1. That it was evident that there had been a great deal of change between then and now. 2. That I would have otherwise possibly forget those experiences without having that link to them. Forgot them in that raw form at least. As I believe they have created who I've become.

When my son was born last summer, I planned on tracking all of his accomplishments, his growth. I've done so in a baby book that I've made for him. But I wanted a book to him! For him! I wanted to gift him with the memories we are building since he's joined our life and family. Every mother I know said that I wouldn't even finish his baby book. To my satisfaction, it is full and complete (to date). However, the time was not there to write more for him. Short journal entries to remind myself of specific dates and firsts. So much wasn't recorded!! And in this time without writing on a regular basis, it feels as though I've lost it. Forgotten how to write. Forgotten where that peace of mind is. It's become a task instead of leisurely. To find the time seems impossible. And once the opportunity has arouse, my train of thought is trying to catch up. The challenge is fine. I rather enjoy it. But I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced a gap in writing, and came back to it? If anyone has feedback on it. Anything at all is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

It's not really writer's block. There is TONS to write about! It's finding the time and getting into the groove. It's getting out of Super-Mom mode, and into writing mode.

Note: I accidentally added an insert jump break. Tried to undo it, couldn't. Tried to look it up and see what it even is, couldn't understand it still. Hope it doesn't mess the post up.


  1. I hope you find time to continue writing. I will wait and see before i follow your blog...

  2. Alex! Thanks for the comment. Didn't really expect anyone to read the post actually. lol. But I've been posting the last couple of nights. Would love to have a follower! lol I'm going to follow you too. Please feel free to comment any time. It'd be nice to have other's input on anything I write. I'm always eager to hear people's thoughts regardless of the situation. :)
